this is active planning

Our mission is to improve public health, inclusion, wellbeing and transport sustainability through active travel delivered through direct infrastructure design, site masterplans, vision-led transport planning, policy and strategy:

  • Collaboratively supporting other consultant highway teams with active travel infrastructure design - strengthening their offer to their clients. This works through brainstorming meetings, CPD, design review and sketch concept design from a “user” perspective. Successful at attracting Active Travel England Capability Funding in this way for Luton Borough Council. Working with Hegsons we can take initial sketches to feasibility, preliminary and construction design - project examples for Hart District Council, UKAEA and Knutsford Town Council.

  • Early stage masterplanning (‘brainstorming’), such as the award-winning Heath Park Masterplan led by EcoResponsive Environments, and continuing to provide design support throughout later stages.

  • Vision-based transport planning used to test potential development sites for Local Plans, prepare Regulation 19 evidence, and achieve planning permissions.

  • Active travel infrastructure design and design review, working alongside Hegsons Design Consultancy Ltd and City Infinity at all levels including parish, district and highway authorities such as Luton, Hampshire, Hart, Scilly and Knutsford.

  • Design review panels - influencing early stage masterplanning submissions in ways that ensure infrastructure for walking, wheeling, cycling and public open spaces are provided in ways that promote every day active travel.

  • Network design for Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans and individual proposals, including site visit based indicative feasibility designs represented on summary maps.

  • Policy, strategy and design services at the strategic and detailed level, including Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans, Neighbourhood Plans including literature review evidence bases, and funding bids.


ActivePlanning is proud to work with a wide range of partners who provide technical support, feeding into our policy, strategy, funding bids and design narratives:

  • Brightwayz

    A multi-award winning consultancy which offers public and stakeholder engagement, behaviour change, and school and business travel plans in collaboration with Modeshift. This social enterprise is based in Kettering, Northamptonshire and works within the North Northamptonshire Council area.

  • City Infinity

    Highway infrastructure engineering. Principal engineer Mark Philpotts is widely respected for his knowledge about design for active travel modes.

  • Eco-Responsive Environments

    A multiple-award winning practice specialising in creating places that are responsive to the sustainable development agenda at all levels of design from streets to landscapes to circular systems, energy efficiency, adaptable buildings, local food production and low impact building materials. Services include design coding.

  • Hegsons Design Consultancy Limited

    Based in the Republic of Ireland, England and France this practice provides development transport assessment, engineering and traffic infrastructure design across Ireland, England, Scotland, Wales and France.

  • Open Accessame

    A sole trading consultancy providing NRAC accredited accessibility assessments for public realm schemes, contributing to equalities impact assessments. We recommend their appointment alongside staged road safety audits to ensure fuller compliance with the 2010 Equality Act (Public Sector Equality Duty).

  • Placechangers

    A GIS based commenting map platform which enables stakeholders and the public to interact with specific proposals put forward by local authorities. The company provides full statistical analysis of the results. It also provides a range of GIS based baseline data collection and analysis and demand modelling for LCWIPs.

    PlaceChangers now offers a GIS based site data recording app which enables users to instantly file site photos, giving exact locations, orientation and space for making notes. This enables photographs to mean something more to people other than just the surveyor, thereby adding value to site visits.

  • Stantec

    A larger consultancy that provides development transport assessments, engineering design and transport strategy consultancy.

  • Sustrans

    The national active travel charity. Services provided include GIS, concept design CAD, public and stakeholder engagement and surveys with associated analysis.

  • Transport Initiatives LLP

    A consultancy which provides network appraisal, planning and route prioritisation based on a detailed analysis of streets using the National Bikeability curriculum to test their suitability for cycling at all skill and confidence levels. The company provides in depth baseline statistical analysis using Census data and GIS, and constructs weighted prioritisation methods to direct investment in cycleways and cycle parking.



vision based transport planning


transport planning

infrastructure design

policy and strategy

design coding

design review

graphic design